Breaking News
donderdag 24 oktober 2013

GGD: Healthcare for children in the Netherlands

The municipal health service (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst covers all aspects of children's growth and development from 4 to 19 years. On the website you can search for your local GGD, but if you have young children, they'll probably find you first via your registration with the GBA. Inoculations and checks from birth to age four take place at the consultatiebureau, which is usually part of theGGD. Expect a big check-up just before starting school. Publications are available in several languages.
Childhood immunisations in the Dutch scheme have changed often in the past 10 years.  You may wish to check whether the Dutch immunisation scheme is the same as the one from your home country, especially if you expect to return to your home country while your children are still school age. 
Immunisations different from those on the standard plan can be arranged, although sometimes that must be done via the family doctor rather than the consultatiebureau.

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